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Recommended by i9tex




We understand how challenging it can be to find reliable suppliers who offer exceptional quality, a wide range of options, and excellent service.


However, as always, i9tex is here to simplify your search.


We have carefully curated an exclusive list of 12 renowned suppliers of woven fabrics in the Portuguese textile industry.


Say goodbye to wasting your time and energy on endless, tiresome, fruitless, and uncertain searches.


Now you can access our reliable list of woven fabric suppliers.


We understand that searching for suppliers can be exhausting, but imagine the peace of mind of having access to an incredible variety of woven fabric suppliers who are available to contact at any time and ready to bring your creations to life.


That's why we have chosen to share our top contacts so that you have a convenient selection among the best. After all, great creations start with the right fabrics! And with us, you'll find what you're looking for.


19,00 €Preço
    i9tex - Textile Manufacturer
    Fundada em 2014, a i9tex é uma empresa têxtil localizada no Vale do Ave, norte de Portugal, onde existe uma tradição histórica com a indústria têxtil.
    Por um lado, é um fabricante que fornece serviços de produção têxtil para pedidos pequenos, médios e grandes, com alta qualidade, exclusividade e desempenho.
    Por outro lado, a empresa produz produtos de marca própria, criados e fabricados em Portugal.

    i9tex - Textile Manufacturer
    Rua do Campo Novo, 2
    4805-233 Ponte - Guimarães

    De Segunda-Feira a Sexta-Feira.
    Das 09:00H às 12:00H
    Das 14:00H às 17:00H

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